Solomon Islands (Kwaio)

Curator: Arleyn Simon
Institution: Arizona State University

The Harvard Solomon Islands Project (HSIP) was a multidisciplinary, long-term study of the relationship between health, culture, and environment among the peoples of the Solomon Islands. An inter-disciplinary research team collected dental casts from four different islands over the course of four expeditions between 1966 and 1972. These casts were collected by Drs. Howard Bailit, Norman Mills, Vincent Lombardi and Marc Halpern. The dentition was subject to numerous studies on oral health, tooth eruption patterns, and cultural practices. In total, there are nearly 5,000 individuals represented in the HSIP collection; however. This sample includes information on circa 350 members of the Kwaio language group (Malaita Island) whose teeth were cast by Dr. Howard Bailit in 1966.


Friedlaender JF. 1987. The Solomon Islands Project. A Long-term Study of Health, Human Biology, and Culture Change. New York: Oxford University Press.

Harris EF. 1977. Anthropologic and Genetic Aspects of the Dental Morphology of Solomon Islanders, Melanesia. PhD dissertation, Arizona State University.

Harris EF, Bailit HL. 1987. Odontometric Comparisons among Solomon Islanders and other Oceanic Peoples. In: Friedlaender JF, editor. The Solomon Islands Project. A Long-term Study of Health, Human Biology, and Culture Change. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 215-264.

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Families in Solomon Islands (Kwaio)

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10 4 years
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11 4 years
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18 4 years
13 4 years
9 4 years