Bibliography for Solomon Islands (Kwaio)
Bailit HL.1968. A possible benefit from tooth-blackening. Am Anth 70:348-353.
Bailit HL, Anderson S, Kolakowski D. 1974. Quasi-continuous variation: the genetics of tooth morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 41:468.
Bailit HL, Brown R, Kolakowski D. 1975. The heritability of non-metric dental traits. Am J Phys Anthropol 42:289.
Bailit HL, DeWitt SJ, Leigh RA. 1968. The size and morphology of the Nasioi dentition. Am J Phys Anthropol 28:271-288.
Bailit HL, Ogan E, Leigh R. 1968. Oral health of the Nasioi of Bougainville. Australian Dent J 13:353-359.
Bailit HL, Workman PL, Niswander JD, McLean CJ. 1970. Dental asymmetry as an indicator of genetic and environmental conditions in human populations. Hum Biol 42:626-638.
Cadien JD, Hassett MJ, Friedlaender JS. 1978. Linkage disequilibrium in Bougainville island. Am J Phys Anthropol 48: 297-304.
Friedlaender JS, Bailit HL. 1969. Eruption times of the deciduous permanent teeth of the natives of Bougainville. Hum Biol 41:51-65.
Harris EF. 1976. Quasi-continuous variation in dental morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 44:183.
Harris EF. 1977. Biologic implications of sexually dimorphic qualitative traits in the human dentition. Am J Phys Anthropol 47:136.
Harris EF. 1977. Anthropologic and genetic aspects of the dental morphology of Solomon Islanders, Melanesia. PhD Dissertation, Arizona State University.
Harris EF. 1978. Sex differences in genetic control of human tooth crown morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 48:403.
Harris EF. 1979. Morphogenetic and genetic patterning within accessoru molar cusps. Am J Phys Anthropol 50:446.
Harris EF. 1980. Sex difference in lingual marginal ridging on the human maxillary central incisor. Am J Phys Anthropol 52: 431-548.
Harris EF, Bailit HL. 1978. Evidence favoring X-chromosome involvement in crown trait expression. J Dent Res 57A:186.
Harris EF, Bailit HL. 1980. The metaconule: a morphologic and familial analysis of a molar cusp in humans. Am J Phys Anthropol 53:349-358.
Harris EF, Bailit HL. 1982. Occlusion and arch size in families: a principal components analysis. Angle Orthodontist 52:135-143.
Harris EF, Bailit HL. 1983. On tooth size and Oceanic prehistory. Curr Anth 24:243-246.
Harris EF, Smith RF. 1980. A study of occlusion and arch widths in families. Angle Orthodontist 78:155-163.
Kolakowski D, Bailit HL. 1978. Segregation analysis of dental traits in a Melanesian populations. Am J Phys Anthropol 48:412.
Kolakowski D, Bailit HL. 1978. Variation in dental occlusion and arches among Melanesians of Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. II. Clinical variation, geographic microdifferentiation and synthesis. Am J Phys Anthropol 48:331-342.
Kolakowski D, Bailit HL. 1981. A differential environmental effect on human anterior tooth size. Am J Phys Anthropol 54:377-381.
Kolakowski D, Bailit HL. 1981. Segregation analyses of tooth size in a Melanesian population. Ann Hum Biol 8:255-262.
Kolakowski D, Harris EF, Bailit HL. 1980. Complex segregation analysi of Carebelli’s trait in a Melanesian population. Am J Phys Anthropol 53: 301-308.
Lombardi AV. 1975. Tooth size association of three morphologic dental traits in a Melanesian population. J Dent Res 54:239-243.
Lombardi AV, Bailit HL. 1972. Malocclusion in the Kwaio, a Melanesian group on Malaita, Solomon Islands. Am J Phys Anthropol 36:283-293.
Smith RJ, Bailit HL. 1977. Variation in dental occlusion and arches among Melanesians of Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. I. Methods, age changes, sex differences and population comparisons. Am J Phys Anthropol 47:195-208.
Smith RJ, Bailit HL. 1979. Prevalence of asymmetries in occlusion. Angle Orthodontist 49:199-204.
Sofaer JA, MacLean CJ, Bailit HL. 1972. Heredity and morphological variation in early and late developing human teeth of the same morphologic class. Archives Oral Biol 17:811-816.