Bibliography for Hallstatt, Austria
Carson EA. 2006a. Maximum likelihood estimation of human craniometric heritabilities. Am J Phys Anthropol 131:169-180.
Carson EA. 2006b. Maximum-likelihood variance components analysis of heritabilities of cranial nonmetric traits. Hum Biol 78:383-402.
See Also.
Martinez-Abadias N, Esparza M, Sjøvold T, Gonzalez-Jose R, Santos M, Hernandez M. 2009. Heritability of human cranial dimensions: Comparing the evolvability of different cranial regions. J Anat 214:19-35.
Martinez-Abadias N, Esparza M, Sjøvold T, Gonzalez-Jose R, Santos M, Hernandez M, Klingenberg CP. 2011. Pervasive genetic integration directs the evolution of human skull shape. Evolution 66:1010-1023.
Sjøvold T. 1984. A report on the heritability of some cranial measurements and non-metric traits. In: Van Vark GN, Howells WW, editors. Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Company, pp. 223–246.
Sjøvold T. 1995. Testing assumptions for skeletal studies by means of identified skulls from Hallstat, Austria. In: Saunders SR, Herring A, editors. Grave reflections: Portraying the past through cemetery studies.Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc, pp. 241–581.