Hallstatt, Austria
Curator: na
Institution: na
The Halstatt collection is a well known sample skulls from the Hallstatt Bone House (http://www.hallstattaustria.net/the-painted-skulls-of-hallstatt/). These individuals principally date to the 18th century. In total, there are 625 individuals divided among 54 distinct families represented in the collection. There is limited dental data due to missing dentition; however, the cranial data sets are robust and sufficient for quantitative genetic analyses. All data provided courtesy of Dr E. Ann Carson. These data form the basis of Carson (2006a) and (2006b). See bibliography for more recent papers that have used the Hallstatt collection for quantitative genetic analyses of cranial form. Four files are provided: Dr. Carson’s data dictionary, the raw genealogy files, an Excel file formatted for use in SOLAR quantitative genetics software, and an Excel file containing raw data for cranial and dental biological distance variables, including coordinate data generated by a Microscribe.
Carson EA. 2006a. Maximum likelihood estimation of human craniometric heritabilities. Am J Phys Anthropol 131:169-180.
Carson EA. 2006b. Maximum-likelihood variance components analysis of heritabilities of cranial nonmetric traits. Hum Biol 78:383-402.
Files in Hallstatt, Austria
Data Collection Manual
This file contains the data collection protocol used in Carson (2006a and b).
Hallstatt Pedigrees
This files contains the 54 individual family pedigrees as reconstructed by Carson (2006a and b).
Hallstatt Pedigrees
This is an excel file that contains the pedigree information formatted for direct use in SOLAR.
Hallstatt Raw Data
This files contains the raw data used to generate the pedigrees as well as the raw phenotypic data. Four types of phenotypic data are presented: odontometric, dental morphological, cranial non-metric, and coordinate-based craniometric landmark data. All data provided by Ann Carson as discussed in Carson (2006 and b).